Pay It Forward


We believe in the power of the freedom community and the impact of collective support. That's why we're thrilled to introduce our "Pay It Forward" campaign, an opportunity for you to directly support the screening of this pivotal film across the United States.

How It Works:
When you contribute to our "Pay It Forward" fund, your donation will be used exclusively to purchase tickets for "Protocol 7". This ensures that every dollar you donate goes directly towards helping others experience this groundbreaking film. Our process is fully transparent—you'll see the exact impact of your contribution, manifested in filled seats and engaged audiences.

Why It Matters:
Your support not only spreads the message of "Protocol 7" but also empowers individuals who might not otherwise have the opportunity to witness this film. By 'paying it forward', you are playing a crucial role in fostering discussions and sharing powerful ideas that can inspire change.

Make a Difference:
Ready to make an impact? Click Here to donate to the "Pay It Forward" campaign. Your generosity ensures that "Protocol 7" reaches as many viewers as possible, turning every ticket you fund into a spark for conversation and community engagement.


Pay It Forward Now →
With your help, we can ensure that the voices who’d been silenced in the past, have an opportunity to he heard and that the vision of "Protocol 7" is shared far and wide.

Thank you for supporting the freedom to explore, express, and inspire.